Monday, August 17, 2009

I just got to City Yoga and found a bowl of pennies at the front desk. I deposited my few that I received in change over the weekend, and will count them all later.

What happened on the journey with pennies over the weekend? Well, I was busy celebrating my son and his friends graduation from Pre-school, and a dear friends 40th birthday. In the midst of all that, there were no miraculous pennies appearing to keep my fire going. So, as we were driving home from Ojai yesterday, and I was thinking about the busy week ahead, I thought maybe I have jinxed pennies out of my life with this recent, craze of mine.

You know the "give a penny, take a penny" bowls you see around town...I have wondered if perhaps I should start going around an taking one...or is that bad karma since I don't really NEED them, I just want them?

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