Friday, August 14, 2009

Day Three

Blogin' has been on my noggin all day long. I can't believe how hard it is to find a quiet moment to sit and write. I am not a night owl, so that will never work, and my children wake as early as I do, sometimes earlier. Being a Mother of two and a business owner, and a friend, daughter, sister, wife and a self makes it hard to find time. I wrote that on purpose because that is the cop out reason I always hear why people can't do yoga, or whatever it is, in their lives. Though I feel that way, my work here is my new yoga...finding the zen in the blogin'. Finding the time and the peace in which to get my thoughts out has been interesting. If I want a penny for my thoughts, I have to make time to write them down right? The distractions of life can keep you from getting anything you want, or not.

Right now, I am fighting the sound of golf on T.V. Though it is a somewhat zen sport, the announcer is annoying me and the applauds and yelling is even more annoying. You see this is only one of about 3 sports I must be patient about which could be another reason I "can't " do this blog business.

So, now that I got that all that out.

Pennies! Ahh sweet pennies.

When I left City Yoga today, we had exactly $3.87 ! It felt good. I know it's pennies but it feels good to be on a mission.

As I asked my class today to dump their pennies in the bag, they made comments like, "now my purse feels lighter" and " wow that had no emotional effect on me, not like when I donate $5.00 or more."
What I am realizing is that no one is emotionally "invested in their pennies", pardon the pun. People can't be bothered by their pennies. They are time consuming little suckers that nobody wants to count, deal with or pay with.

I went to get a mani/pedi with my friend Sue and low and behold as I looked down at the UV dryer machine to see my fresh toes, there sat a penny. It was on the machine, centered and aligned between the 2 sets of fans. Ha!

I had just told my friend about my latest project. Her comment was, "that is so you, but when do you have time in your busy life?" She also has two kids and are lives are quite parallel in the amount of running around we do. I proceeded to tell her how I want to see this through, because after seeing Julie and Julia, I realized I don't finish some of the things I start. Sue disagreed sweetly. Then after a short pause, she said," well actually, you finish things except maybe Evan's stool." Evan is her son who shares a birthday with ME, and I have been working on a hand painted stool for him to reach the sink for almost a year. We are both Virgos, which if you are into astrology, tells you my 2nd deadline is almost here.

I went on with my day, did a yoga lesson with one of my favorite people on the planet (more on the inspiration that comes from this person later.), went shopping and then came home. I walked in to find a bright and beautiful bouquet of flowers from Anthony. Next to the vase was a penny. Ah!

I asked him where he got it, because now I am obsessed with the mysterious presence of pennies in peoples lives. Sadly, the penny was just in his change from paying cash for the thin, garlic breadsticks I need for a party platter. Not so interesting, except that, he almost forgot the breadsticks, so after paying with a credit card for all the other groceries, he had to go back and get them and paid cash, only to recieve one, single, shiny, copper colored penny!

Our total at the end of this day, with Anthony and the nail salon's two cents, again pardon the pun, is $3.89!!

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